Saturday, September 22, 2012

Breaking Pointe

The Cranes Dance
Meg Howrey

This was a weird one. When I started reading, I disliked it immediately. But then I kept going and by the time I got to the middle, I wanted to see how it ended.

The Cranes Dance is about Kate and Gwen Crane, two sisters who are dancers at a ballet company in NYC. Only Gwen’s back home in Michigan right now because she had a mental breakdown and tried to kill herself. Kate’s trying to keep it together and survive without her sister, dance, and navigate relationships. Except she’s starting to fall apart now, too, and she might hit rock bottom sooner than she realizes.

It’s to Ms. Howrey’s credit that I started out hating Kate then gradually grew to sort of like her by the end. Ms. Howrey is also a former dancer, which is totally obvious because she goes into great detail about the world of ballet and dance. Depending on how much you love ballet, this is either a good thing or a bad thing. It became a tedious thing for me: I quickly realized I would need to skim a lot of parts. Kate tends to talk to the reader, too, another quirk I dislike. And there was no big climactic moment, really. The story just kind of petered out.

Would I recommend this book? Yes, if you’re into dance. If not, skip it.

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