Sunday, July 1, 2012

Trust No One

The Con: How Scams Work, Why You’re Vulnerable, and How to Protect Yourself
James Munton and Jelita McLeod

Yet another book that scared the ever-loving s*!t out of me. Good lord.

In case you couldn’t tell by the title, The Con is about all the many (and there are many) scam artists out there and how they reel you in, drain your bank accounts, and leave you with bad credit for the rest of your life. This book is awesome, honestly. And really, really scary. Munton and McLeod go into detail about every type of con out there in each chapter and then at the end give you tips on how to avoid getting caught in their trap. They talk about solicitors (on the phone, coming to the door, and emailing), street swindlers, Ponzi schemes, and identity theft. They use many real-life examples, too, so you can see how other people got lured in. I’m probably asking for it here, but most of the stuff about avoiding scams is just plain common sense. Why would you send a stranger a check for a thousand bucks? Why would you give someone who called you on the phone, claiming to be from your bank, your Social Security number? I mean, really, people. This book made me sad for humanity.

Everyone should read The Con, because anyone can get swept up in a scam these days, and you do not want that anyone to be you.

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