Monday, July 30, 2012

Treat Her Like a Lady

The Courtesan’s Lover
Gabrielle Kimm

This is one of those books. You know, the kind where you start reading and you think, yeah, this is okay but I don’t think I’ll keep reading. But then a certain plot point interests you, so you decide to stick it out just for those parts and then you end up getting into every part and by the time you get to the last page, you’re glad you didn’t give up on it.

Historical fiction can be very hit-or-miss for me, so I was happy to enjoy The Courtesan’s Lover once I got into it. Francesca is a courtesan living in Napoli in the 1500s. She’s never really considered giving her up her job—until she meets a man who turns her world upside down. But how can she marry a good man when she’s such a whore? Francesca does her best to try and figure that out, and along the way, other people in her life end up helping her and harming her.

The dialogue’s great, the setting is wonderful, and I liked all the characters. My only annoyance would be how many times people raised their eyebrows. Seriously, characters raised their eyebrows every other page, it seemed. At least for the first half of the book. I barely noticed it in the rest when the plot really picked up.

Anyone who who enjoys romance, historical fiction, or just fiction in general, will like this book.

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