The Great Escape
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
I tend not to review romances, mainly because I can usually skim through them in a couple of hours. This one took me a lot longer, though, because I got really invested in all the characters and storylines. Susan Elizabeth Phillips is good like that.
The Great Escape is the story of Lucy Jorvik, daughter of a former (female) President of The United States. The book opens at Lucy’s wedding to her perfect fiancé. Only Lucy’s not so sure she wants a perfect husband, so she takes off in her wedding dress and stumbles into an alley where she stumbles upon a rough-and-tumble biker on his hog, ready to whisk her away. She soon finds herself attracted to “Panda” and he to her, but after they finally make love, he reveals he’s actually a security agent hired by her parents. Lucy’s furious and ends up taking off to Panda’s home (long story) where he eventually shows up, too, and they run into a whole cast of characters.
Let’s get my main annoyance out of the way first: the hero’s name is Panda. It’s a nickname, and he tells Lucy his real name (Patrick) but throughout the whole book, everyone calls him Panda, even himself. How am I supposed to take a guy named Panda seriously? Halfway through the book I got used to it, but I never liked it. There was also a lot of stuff going on and a whole lot of different characters and stories that start to take shape when Lucy and Panda get to his hometown. I grew to like most of all the new characters, but I was quite irritated by how many new people kept popping up. It almost got hard to keep track of everyone.
But despite a few flaws, I cannot fault Ms. Phillips’ writing. She is wonderful: great dialogue, great characters, and fun plot twists. If you’ve never tried a romance before, start with her. And if you’re a fan, definitely pick up her new book. You will not be disappointed.
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