Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mo Money, Mo Problems

The Darlings
Cristina Alger

I wanted this book to be better than it was. It had all the ingredients I look for: romance, family drama, a sense of humor. But by the time I got to the end, I was skimming, looking for something to pull me in (and that’s never a good sign, when you’re still looking to be hooked towards the end).

The Darlings is about a wealthy New York family and various other friends and lovers who are all about to be taken down in a Ponzi scheme relating to a fake stock company. I think. Honestly, all the financial and banker talk was really confusing. If you know about that stuff and you speak the lingo, I’m sure you’d find it fascinating. Unfortunately, anything having to do with money and finance makes my eyes glaze over. So my eyes were glazed over a lot during the book.

I only liked a few characters, too, which is a problem because there were a lot of effing characters. I’m surprised Ms. Alger didn’t put a list of them in the front because there were many times I had to stop and remind myself who a person was and how they related to the action.

There wasn’t a whole lot of romance, either. Which is fine, not every book needs a romance. This one did, though.

So if you’re into bankers and money and stocks and Wall Street, you’ll probably enjoy this book. Otherwise, skip it.

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